Non-Affiliated Membership
We offer non-affiliated membership to credit unions throughout the UK. We would like to welcome you to become a Non-Affiliated Member of UKCreditUnions Ltd and to take advantage of the membership benefits we have to offer.

What We Can Offer You
Our telephone helpline
Access to the members section of our website
Briefing notes
Monthly e-newsletters
Checking and monitoring CY & CQ returns
Regional forum meetings
Updates on legislation & regulations
Representation to the regulators, government HM Treasury, and any other relevant organisation
Responses to consultations
Available at an additional cost
Direct support & onsite assistance
UKCU Directors available to attend meetings with your board
Model rules
Model Policy & Procedures
Discounted stationery products & marketing posters
Discounted online training modules
Discounted annual conference rates
Discounted Fidelity Bond and office contents insurance