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Barclays Credit Union Programme

In association with

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In 2015 Barclays launched their Credit Union Programme which offered credit unions throughout the UK the ability to apply to take part in the programme and receive fully funded training in areas of need. Each credit union who took part received training in Financial Capability, Capacity Building, Marketing as well as other areas identified as needed during the initial assessment. The Financial Inclusion Centre are undertaking ongoing evaluation of the programme to measure the impact of the financial capability and capacity building interventions by analysing the performance of credit unions and members at different stages of their participation. Their latest report, An Insight into Credit Union Membership is available to read now and will be updated upon completion. 


Following the success of the programme we have collated the Top 10 Best Practice Materials which have come from the programme. All materials are now available to be used by any credit union (regardless of participation in the programme). 


Please feel free to utilise or amend these best practice guides and other documents as you see fit, we would also like to ask in the spirit of co-operation, that you contribute any updated or improved versions to support the credit union sector.  Please send any documents to and we will upload them.


Please note that these materials are not maintained and all information was correct as of 30th September 2019. Any changes to legislation and regulation after this date will not be reflected in these documents. UKCreditUnions Ltd, Ace Credit Union Services, Toynbee Hall and Barclays do not take any responsibility for any future use of these documents.

Top 10 Best Practice Documents

Risk Management

Risk Management is the process of systematically identifying, quantifying, and managing all risks and opportunities that can affect achievement of a corporation’s strategic and financial goals.

'Cost of a Loan' Calculator

Calculate the profitability of processing and granting loans and the impact of delinquency on the net profitability of a loan.

Liquidity Policy 

Ensuring that your credit union has sufficient financial resources to meet its commitments, as and when they fall due, is a fundamental business and management priority. 

Credit Control & Bad Debt Management

A step-by-step guide to identifying, preventing and managing bad debts. 

Governance Principles for Credit Unions

The set of principles and practices that determine who has power and authority to direct an organisation and make decisions, and where accountability lies for achieving
organisational goals.

Family Loans

Everything needed to implement Child Benefit Loans. The template materials include; loan application form, loan agreement form, FAQs, marketing materials

Number 6

Information about

Mystery Shopper Campaign Briefing

The objective of a mystery shopping project should be to provide management information on processes and/or quality of service, in order to aid re-training plans and improvements in service. 

Adapting Services to Muslim Members

An introduction to serving your Muslim members.

Treating Customers Fairly 

A template for monitoring TCF.

Management Performance

Template score cards.


Contact Number


Credit Union House. 10 Manchester Road, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 5ST

01706 214 322

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